There is no higher contemplation than the contemplation of truth, the contemplation of the reality and universality of consciousness.

Magdi Badawy

... a private digital playground to explore novel ways of sharing the direct path to peace of mind, in daily living, independent of circumstances:

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With gratitude,
January 2021

Some sentiment... our first attempt to share "Video Slices", before we moved them into the database:

Video Slices, selected by Magdi

Non duality:

Presence is not in time.
In and as presence, there is no separation.

The peace of being is overlooked when we consider ourselves to be a body mind existing in time and space.

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An excerpt from:
The Light Of Awareness Shines Through Everyone

Non duality:

The understanding that all is well and unfolding as it should.
My kingdom is everywhere.

You imagine yourself to be in time and space, but the reality of consciousness does not unfold in time and space. There is no aspect of your life which is out of place. Every aspect of experience is instrumental for awakening from the illusion of separation.

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An excerpt from:
The Light Of Awareness Shines Through Everyone

Non duality. Guided meditation:

No need to fix anything.

In/as presence, there is no separation as God's light shines through everyone and as everything.
Allow the sense of me to expand throughout your entire experience.
Rather than being contained in the body, contain the body within yourself, within consciousness.
Your body and the universe are an extension of each other.

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An excerpt from:
The Light Of Awareness Shines Through Everyone

Non duality:

Feeling localized in the body...

Overlooking awareness leads to the feeling of being limited and localized.
Experience yourself as if you are perceiving from behind your head.

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An excerpt from:
The Light Of Awareness Shines Through Everyone

Non duality. Guided meditation:

All is God.
The peace of being.

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Excerpt from:
The Healing Touch Of God

Non duality. Guided meditation:

We suffer as a result of the confusion about what 'I' refers to.

Whatever appears to you is like the weather.
You don't need to figure the weather out.
You don't need the past or the future to simply be.
Being is peace, the causeless peace of being.
In peace, there is no separation. In being, there is no ownership.
Although awareness/presence is non phenomenal, it is undeniable.
Whenever you believe yourself to be an image, you are committing idolatry.

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Excerpt from:
The Function Of The Mind In Understanding

Non duality:

The hidden assumption about causation.

Does I/awareness cause the rain to fall, thoughts to appear, the body mind to exist?
Causality is a mental add-on. In the relative realm, A causes B.
The hidden question is: What is it that causes me to appear?
Amness is assumed to appear but it does not appear.

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Excerpt from:
The Function Of The Mind In Understanding?

Non duality:

Compassion and the experience of suffering.
Suffering does not refer to unhappy situations in the world.

What is suffering? There is no suffering in the world; It is an inside job.
We suffer due to the belief that I am a mortal body mind.
Consciousness is not dependent on the world, body mind. Compassion does not include suffering.
As compassion, we sense the pain of others, but we do not suffer.
Suffering does not refer to any situation in the world body mind, it refers to identification and limitation.
There is cruelty as well as beauty in life.
You can be active rather than neutral but this does not imply suffering.
An awful situation in the world body mind does not mean suffering.
Sensitivity and compassion do not mean suffering.

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Excerpt from:
The Function Of The Mind In Understanding?

Non duality:

How do I see impermanence?
Does awareness emanate from behind the eyes?
What is it that perceives?
People are not aware.

Turn your attention to the presence of awareness.
It is not the body mind which perceives. The instrument of perception does not perceive.
Awareness does not depend on the body mind.
People are not aware: Only awareness is aware.
Life does not refer to the body mind but to its eternity.
Awareness does not change. That which appears changes. But that which perceives is changeless.
First we need to become clear that I refers to awareness rather than the body mind.

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Excerpt from:
The Function Of The Mind In Understanding


Now is memory in the future.

Since the now immediately becomes the past, meaning the now becomes memory in the future, to understand memory, we need to understand the now.
Now = memory in the future.
When we contemplate the now, we realize the reality of now is awareness.
That which does not come and go is the reality which perceives this perception.
Awareness appears as the now, meaning appears as form, thoughts, perceptions and sensations.
That which appears now is instantly allocated to the past. It dissolves as it appears, leaving a trace, which we call memory. Memory is awareness referring to a passed now which is appearing as a new now which we call memory.
The past is a current thought.

Non duality. Guided meditation:

Welcome your experience as it appears to you.

Invite your entire being to be welcoming. Don't stay in your head.
No waiting, no expecting, no seeking.
Remain still as effortless welcoming presence. The world body mind move, I do not move.
Soak yourself completely in presence. You are the infinite invisible, undeniable reality of being/awareness.

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Excerpt from:
The Ease Of Being Is Available To All Of Us

Non duality:

How to respond to tumultuous times in a wise and spiritual manner?

There is no certainty in the world.
The human realm is haunted by the sense of separation.
Peace lies in the certainty about our true nature which is the result of the understanding about truth, about the universality of consciousness.
Ignorance of our true nature is reflected in the world, body mind.
Healing of the world does not come from the world, it comes from understanding of truth.
Can we look within and see if we are living as a separate personal self?
When we judge, we divide and we are divided.

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Excerpt from:
The Ease Of Being Is Available To All Of Us

Non duality:

How can we get it that we are unlimited awareness rather than a limited awareness located in the skull?

When you say I, what are you referring to? Are you referring to the mortal body mind?
I is not an image, is not a perception. I refers to awareness, that which perceives.
The reality of our experience.
Once the false premise that I am a body is on board, all sorts of questions arise.
Although awareness is formless, it is undeniable.
Our self knowledge is veiled by the belief that consciousness depends on the body mind. We need to investigate the belief that awareness is dependent on the body mind.
The death of the body does not imply the death of consciousness.

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Excerpt from:
The Ease Of Being Is Available To All Of Us

Non duality:

I have a problem:
My mind keeps going and going.
What do I do?

I AM. But the belief that I am something that exists is the problem. Existence is not beingness.
The body may have a problem, but I/awareness do not.
We need to understand the nature of the problem: Is it a practical problem or ignorance?
A phenomenal problem has a possible phenomenal solution, which may or may not work.
A psychological problem is rooted in the belief that I am the male/female body mind.
Awareness does not have a problem.
You have power over your suffering. Whenever you want it to be different, you induce suffering.
New model: I don't resist.

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Excerpt from:
The Ease Of Being Is Available To All Of Us

Non duality:

I am invisible.

Soaking as presence is transformative.
In ignorance we believe that which is dead to be alive and that which is alive to be dead.

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Excerpt from:
The Ease Of Being Is Available To All Of Us

Non duality. Guided meditation:

The reality of presence/consciousness.

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Excerpt from:
How to free myself from the feeling of having been wronged?

Non duality:

About love.
Is love irrelevant?
Personal vs impersonal love.

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Excerpt from:
How To Free Myself From The Feeling Of Having Been Wronged?

Non duality:

Perception and the loop back to personal identification.

The process towards freedom from identification.
Can I focus attention as needed by my environment without looping?
The mind can function more effectively in the absence of ignorance.
Releasing bodily contractions in the spaciousness of awareness.

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Excerpt from:
How To Free Myself From The Feeling Of Having Been Wronged?

Non duality:

Healing: How do I approach pain or injury to the body?

The belief that I am the body gets in the way of healing.

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Excerpt from:
How to free myself from the feeling of having been wronged?

Non duality:

What drives us?
What motivates us to move forward?

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Excerpt from:
How to free myself from the feeling of having been wronged?

Non duality. Guided Meditation:

Do not divide yourself in order to be somebody.

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Excerpt from:
Beyond judgment: Judging and feeling judged

Non duality:

Conditioning around family.
Tolerating the family is difficult.

Honoring truth in face of tradition.
As long as tradition does not maintain ignorance.
Love which depends on approval is false.
True love is love for truth, for freedom, which is impersonal.
There is imposition in love.
Wanting you family to be happy at the expense of your own freedom leads to complications for everyone involved.

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Excerpt from:
Beyond judgment: Judging and feeling judged

Non duality:

Unhappiness: If you live with unhappiness, you maintain it

The sense of lack is rooted in the belief that I am a limited mortal self. Unhappiness is our doing.
Although we know we are immortal and infinite, we continue to believe that we are mortal and limited.
If the sense of lack was truth, we would be happy with it.

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Excerpt from:
Beyond judgment: Judging and feeling judged

Non duality:

Is family a false concept?

Allegiance to the family. I am going to be a good guy in the family.
Identification divides us.
As consciousness, we are one.

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Excerpt from:
Beyond judgment: Judging and feeling judged

Non duality. Guided meditation:

We don't need to do anything in order to be.
Presence is effortless

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Excerpt from:
Unconditional freedom

Non duality:

If there is freedom from the sense of limitation, can we continue to suffer?
Is there a difference between someone else being upset and me being upset?

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Excerpt from:
Unconditional freedom

Non duality:

How can I know that consciousness is universal?

Frustration. Working with the minor irritations.
Allowing the sensation to expand in the spaciousness of awareness

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Excerpt from:
Unconditional freedom

Non duality:

How to let go of fear?
Can consciousness free me from fear?
Is consciousness a passive state?
How do I make decisions as awareness?

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Excerpt from:
Unconditional freedom

Non duality. Guided meditation:

The peace of being, the light of presence is not blowing in the wind.

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Excerpt from:
Eternity of being is the continuity of experience

Non duality:

Are mind healing and prayer techniques non duality or mind techniques?

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Excerpt from:
Eternity of being is the continuity of experience

Non duality:

The thinking mind and negative emotions.
The metaphor of the sun shining onto the iceberg.

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Excerpt from:
Eternity of being is the continuity of experience

Non duality:

Does killing the body end suffering?
Does the end of the body signify the end of ignorance?

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Excerpt from:
Eternity of being is the continuity of experience

Non duality:

How do I know that when this body dies, I do not die?
Is awareness personal?

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Excerpt from:
Eternity of being is the continuity of experience

Non duality. Guided meditation:

Awareness is completely free from all stories about myself, my past, my future.

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Excerpt from:
Happiness does not depend on the world body mind

Non duality:

What effort is needed to be as consciousness?

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Excerpt from:
Happiness does not depend on the world body mind

Non duality:

What am I loving?
Am I loving an illusion?
What is the reality of love?

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Excerpt from:
Happiness does not depend on the world body mind

Non duality:

How do I know there is one reality rather than many realities?

Existence is a manifestation of being, which is the source of existence and not its derivative.

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Excerpt from:
Happiness does not depend on the world body mind

Non duality:

What is love?
Is there attachment in love?
Does sadness mean I am suffering?

You cannot know that which you are.
You need to step out of knowledge to be love.
You don't need to know love.
The love that you know is not the love that you are.

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Excerpt from:
Happiness does not depend on the world body mind

Non duality:

What is meant by: "Nothing comes into existence?"

Existence is an arising out of consciousness; it is the activity of consciousness.
There is a difference between Amness and existence.

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Excerpt from:
Can the mind know consciousness?

Non duality:

Can you experience awareness?
Does awareness come into existence?

Understanding about awareness is an experience of awareness.
Although love is not an experience, it is experienced in our existence.

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Excerpt from:
Can the mind know consciousness?

Non duality:

Is Peaceful Spaciousness similar to awareness?
Is Peaceful Spaciousness that which is aware?

Peace is not an experience that consciousness is having.
The peace of our true nature, is God's peace. That which we experience as I am.
The spaciousness of amness, the borderlessness of presence.

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Excerpt from:
Can the mind know consciousness?

Non duality, Meditation:

Separation is a mind impression.

Fleeting thoughts and belief, bodily sensations mixed with resistance.
All of which are images on the screen.
They have no effect whatsoever on the reality of being,
Your reality, the reality of awareness/consciousness.

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Excerpt from:
Do I have control over ignorance & separation?

Non duality:

Annoyance with one's inquiry and progress.

You are not the content of experience.
You are not defined by thoughts or feelings.
When the false self guides you, you feel separate and you suffer.

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Excerpt from:
Do I have control over ignorance & separation?

Non duality:

Self judgment and loss of control.
How to deal with inward confusion and self judgment.

As awareness, there is nothing lacking.
Walking away from the hoax.

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Excerpt from:
Do I have control over ignorance & separation?

Non duality:

Hanging on to an image of awareness.

Awareness is not a concept, it is undeniable.
It is the reality of our experience, as Francis Lucille says:
"awareness is the reality that hears these words right now".
There is no word that can truly describe awareness.
The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.
Awareness is the causeless peace and happiness of being.

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Excerpt from:
Do I have control over ignorance & separation?

Non duality:

Is it possible to enjoy everything once we realize our true nature

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Excerpt from:
Do I have control over ignorance & separation

Non duality, Meditation:

As our true nature, as consciousness, there is no effort required.

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Excerpt from:
Awareness is primordial and effortless

Non duality:

Decision making: Do I follow what feels right in this moment?

What is your intention?
What is best for everyone involved?
Sometimes we do things that are unpleasant but necessary or appropriate.

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Excerpt from:
Awareness is primordial and effortless

Non duality:

Mental hardship while making a choice

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Excerpt from:
Awareness is primordial and effortless